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Week 7 in Mixed Age

Hello All,

We had a great 3 days, we were very thankful we were able to get outside for recess each day. The kids enjoyed raking the leaves and trying to catch them as they were falling from the tree.

We have been working on our school rules "Take care of our friends and teachers" and "Take care of our things"; Simple rules that go a long way. They have all been doing a good job cleaning the classroom when the clean up song AKA-The Reading Train comes on. I love to hear them singing along as they are busy cleaning; when things are put away they can dance.

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table: Numbered trees 1-10 with leaf and acorn beads. They loved sorting the leaves and acorns and decorating the trees with them.

Discovery: Assorted Fall items with magnifying glasses. There were small pine cones, leaves, acorns and tree bark.

Easel: Painting with black paint using paper towel tubes to look like spiders. Today they used dot markers to paint pumpkins.

Art: Leaf people using fake leaves, google eyes & sticker eyes. They loved using the Elmers glue to stick on the leaves and then they were able to choose which types of eyes they wanted. Some of the kids added arms and other body parts to their leaf people using markers or crayons. They also had blank paper and Halloween stickers to use.

Listening Center: Click Clack Boo By Doreen Cronin

Books we read:

The Bears Great Big Storm By Paul Bright

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom By Bill Martin Jr

Llama Llama and the Bully Goat By Anna Dewdney


Silly Bear Hunt

Hello Everybody

Animal Action 2

Freeze Dance

Wiggling Dance

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Julie Haynes


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