A Week Full of Luck in Pre-K 1
Hi Everyone,
We had a great week in our classroom. The children are having a lot of fun outside at recess. Lately, they have been firefighters running around the playground putting out fires, climbing onto the play structure to escape a flood or saving the day as superheroes. Dressing up for Disney Day(s) was a hit this week too!
We began a new Reading Street Unit, Who Lives Here? Our first book in this unit was Sweet Dreams, How Animals Sleep by Kimiko Kajikawa. "In rhythmic words and affecting pictures, this inviting picture book introduces young children to a world of sleeping creatures. Some animals, like bats, sleep upside down, while others like koalas and lions, snore up in the trees." We talked about how and where the different animals sleep. And where and how we all sleep too. The children enjoyed this book so much that they asked me to read it again today. Before we read it again, they went around and each recalled an animal from the book and how it sleeps. After we read it, I named an animal and they had fun acting out how each one sleeps. Our Reading Street Song was Where Are You Sleeping? The vocabulary words this week were doze, float, hang, koalas, rest and sloths.
We also read Maple by by Lori Nichols.
Our Letter of the Week was M. Our Letter Sound Song was Merry Mama Mouse and Gramma Mole.
Art Easel: Color Mixing....what happens when you mix blue and yellow? They used q-tips to paint with.
Shape Stamps and ink pads....I asked if the children could turn the shapes into a picture. Lots of great creativity!
Project Table: Pot of Gold Project...a pot was glued on paper and there were art supplies available to use.
Leprechaun Mask....the children were able to make a mask to look like a leprechaun.
Shimmery watercolor paint and white paper
Math Table: Geoboards...many shapes and guitars were created
Lucky Charm Graphing
Writing Table: M Worksheets, chalkboards and flower worksheets
Looking ahead, next week our Letter of the Week will be N.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Kelley