Another Great Week in Enrichment!
Hi everyone!
I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having. I know we enjoyed it during recess!
A few pieces of housekeeping...
1. NO SCHOOL next Tuesday the 28th for conferences.
2. The Spaghetti Supper is this Saturday! Hope to see you there!
3. Please have your children at least try to go to the bathroom (not just wash their hands) before coming into the classroom. We have interruptions to the first 30 minutes of our day on a daily basis of kids having to go to the bathroom, reporting that they went at home but not at school. This may not seem like a big deal, but we want them to get the most out of their time when they're here, as we're sure you do too. Thanks for your help!
Our book this week was Play This Book by Jessica Young. It's a fun book where the kids get to "play" the instruments along with what's on the pages. We also got to play the piano! No, I didn't roll the baby grand from upstairs into the classroom, but I brought in a roll up electric keyboard for them to try out. Everyone that was here tried it!
What was NEW in centers?
Art- The children worked in groups to color and paint abstract art together. They were given a paper with many shapes on it, asked to color or paint four shapes, then stop. Once all four children finished four shapes they rotated around the table until each child had colored or painted four shapes on each paper! It was a lot of fun, a good exercise in waiting, working together, and in trusting the process. Each one is different and beautiful!
Easel- We used watercolors to paint our own abstract art pictures.
Math- St. Patrick's Day search and count. We looked for and counted the different St. Paddy's Day pictures of many sizes! It was tricky to find them all, but fun!
Pretend center- We have our own Doctor's office in the classroom, and lots of wonderful doctors and nurses to help anyone with an ailment!
Discovery- Sound matching game. By shaking the cubes we can listen to and match up the sounds.
Observation table- This is a new table where we put an intact (but not active) beehive and magnifying glasses to help us observe and investigate!
Writing table- Cutting practice- We're cutting our way to the rainbow!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.
Have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend!
Ashley Taylor, Erica Derbyshire, and Christina Renoni
