Another Great Week in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families,
We had a great week in Mixed Age! We are looking forward to seeing many families tomorrow at Spaghetti Supper!
A friendly reminder that there will be no school on Tuesday for Family-Teacher Conferences. Child care will be available for day time conferences only. Please arranged alternate care if you are attending an evening conference.
This week during snack we practiced our table manners and having conversations with the friends at our table. We took turns asking the person next to us if they had any plan for the weekend.
Here is what we did this week:
Math Table~ Sorting Froot Loops
Discovery Table~ The children created catapults with spoons and popsicle sticks. They then tested their creation with pom-poms.
Art/Writing Table~ Rainbow fish art and free art. We also all painted a flower wreath for the classroom door, be on the lookout for us to hang it up.
Easel~ Spring Dot art
We Are the Dinosaurs
Slow and Fast
Baby shark
Button Factory
Raining Tacos
Sit Down Stand Up
Planting a Rainbow
The Rainbow Fish
Dragons Love Tacos
Our show and tell on Monday will be something to show us your favorite color. Please have your child bring in 1 item on Monday when they come into the classroom at the beginning of our day. Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Katy Fyrberg, Julie Haynes & Tia Touch