Feeling Thankful in Pre-K 1!
Hi Everyone,
Our Centers have changed for the month of November. Our Pretend Center is now a Farm Stand. There are items to sell and a cash register to use. We now have potato head pieces & feathers to use with play doh. The Sensory Table now contains wood chips, Legos and dinosaurs. Many dinosaur "kingdoms" were created this week.
Other Activities included:
Math Table: Sorting transportation vehicles
Art Easel: Transportation stamps & markers and hot air balloon with watercolors
Project Table: Letter C to decorate
Free Art....sometimes just putting paper, glue and scissors out is a big hit! The children began making paper bracelets for friends and family members. They were cutting, measuring and taping. I was given quite a few and told to "give them to your family at Thanksgiving". Another friend was writing his name and then counting out jewels and gluing them above each letter.
Discovery Table: This table was closed this week. You may have heard about the children having a "meeting" with me....assessments were taking place.
Our Reading Street book this week was another book from our Transportation Unit. We talked alot about the 3 ways to travel.......by land, by air or by sea. Our story was The Big Trip by Valeri Gorbachev. "What could be more fun than a big trip? Pig can't wait to go, but Goat is worried. How will Pig get there? Bicycles are unsteady, horses can throw you off. Cars can break down and trains get stuck in tunnels. A trip can be no vacation at all...but leave it to Pig to send Goat's worries packing and turn tricky travel into smooth sailing!"
We also talked about "big trips" that we had been on and what way we traveled to get there.
Our Reading Street song was Let's Take A Big Trip. Our vocabulary words were land, plane, ship, hot-air balloon, trip and tunnel.
We also read The Squirrels That Squabbled and Pete the Cat and The Surprise Teacher.
Our Letter of the Week was C. Our song was Can You Sit on the Cot? We talked about how making C strokes will help us to draw circles and make other letters too. These letters are O, Q, G & S. The children were very excited to meet the Magic C Bunny. We practiced making the letter C in the air and sang along to the Magic C Song with the bunny.
Mr. G was in to visit with us today. He read the book The World Needs More Purple People by Kristen Bell and Benjamin Hart.
Looking ahead to next week:
Wednesday-Show & Tell for letter O
Thursday-Dress like you are at your favorite vacation destination
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
