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More Fun in Enrichment!

Hi everyone!

First and foremost, we want to say how incredibly proud we are of your children on our field trip today! Walking through downtown Attleboro, looking at the exhibits in the art museum, and watching a turtle presentation from Oak Knoll they showed respect, patience, and curiosity throughout our trip! The director of the museum came to find me to tell me how wonderfully behaved our children were! They were wonderful representations of Jack and Jill, and of you all! Here are some pictures of the fun we had!

Going back to Monday, we had a visit from Mrs. Lehane, who read us a favorite book of hers, The Berenstain Bears. 

On Wednesday, we got to learn about and hear the biggest instrument most of us will hear in our lives, the Organ. We took a mini field trip upstairs to the church's sanctuary, where the organist, Bill MacPherson, talked about the different types of pipes, and what sounds they make. We learned that it's so big, that Bill has to play some of the notes with his feet! He showed us pictures of some of the 2,000+ pipes that are in the organ, and played some songs that we know, including the most incredible version of Happy Birthday that I've ever heard! The children were engaged and asked Bill lots of questions!

Our book this week was Jazz Fly by Matthew Gollub. It's a fun book about a fly who plays drums in a jazz band. He flies around and learns new rhythms from some animals that he meets. It was interesting learning about a type of music that most children haven't heard before. 

What was NEW in centers?

Art- Musical chair art- The children colored four shapes on four different sheets of paper with their friends while listening to music. It was fascinating to see how the four pictures turned out so different, even though the same four people colored parts of them. 

Easel- Dot marker rainbows

Math- Fruit sorting- Using tweezers, we sorted fruit into different colored bowls.

Discovery- We experimented with the sounds that different percussion instruments make.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Julie Haynes and Christina Renoni


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