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November Memories in the 3's!

Hi everyone!

First, I want to say how thankful we are that you all share your little loves with us. This is a great class, and we look forward to seeing them each week! What we enjoy most is getting to know your children, and watching them get to know each other. We're excited to see the fun and learning continue!

Our book this week was Peppa Pig and the Day of Giving Thanks. Peppa and her family take a walk outside and give thanks for the beautiful things along the way.

What was NEW in CENTERS?

Art- The children used watercolors to paint people to make a group of friends that's hanging in our classroom!

Easel- We filled in turkey feathers with matching color stickers.

Math- We used numbered clothespins to give our turkey feathers.

In addition to these things we still have cutting practice at the writing table, our vet office at the pretend center, and magnatiles and the playhouse in the block area. These continue to be a hit!

Just a reminder, there is no school next week for the 3's class.

We hope you all have a wonderful, happy, and healthy Thanksgiving!


Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor


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