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October Fun in Enrichment!

Hi everyone!

Another busy week in Enrichment! Lots of new things, and new people. I hope your little learners are telling you all about their time in school, but just in case I'll give you a recap!

On Monday we had a special guest reader, Mrs. Lehane! She read My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss. We learned that on different days we can feel different ways, each feeling associated with its own color, and that some days we can feel many different ways all at once.

Mrs. Lehane was the previous director of Jack and Jill, and we'll be welcoming her back into our classroom every few weeks!

On Tuesday we had cooking with Ms. Pascal, when we made Pumpkin pie pudding cups! I hope you were all able to get a taste of the delicious concoctions.

We also had another community helper come to visit on Tuesday. Mrs. G is a newly retired elementary school music teacher, a member of the church, and also my mother. We helped tell the story of Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina by reading, signing, and moving our bodies. Mrs. G will be making more music with us every few weeks!

We were very excited to be able to use our new playground this week! Luckily, the rain stayed away long enough for us to get outside! And while they loved the new playground, they also loved just being outside and being able to play in the leaves!

With all that going on, we still had time for centers! In the next few weeks Mrs. Taylor and I will be doing assessments with the kids, because believe it or not, report card time is coming up. So if your child comes home and says that they sat at the discovery table with one of us during center time, no need for concern, we're just asking some questions.

What was NEW in CENTERS?

Art- Pumpkin name cutting- We practiced cutting by cutting the lines of a pumpkin with their name on it, then glued the pumpkin back together like a puzzle. These works of art are hanging on the boards outside our classroom.

Easel- Water resist painting- The ordinary white piece of paper turned into something magical when we added watercolor paints to it! Beautiful leaves emerged the more we painted!

Math- Pumpkin size sorting- The children compared sizes of pumpkins to sort them into the right baskets.

Writing table- Line cutting practice- The children continued to practice their scissor skills by cutting different designs to get to the pumpkin at the top of the page.

Our book this week was Growing Pumpkins by Melvin Berger. We learned about what it takes to grow a pumpkin, that they can grow into all different sizes, and some different things to do with them. In the end we voted on a size pumpkin that we want to carve in our classroom. Surprise, surprise...we'll be carving a BIG pumpkin! We can't wait!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week!


Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor

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