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On to April in Enrichment

Hi everyone!

For those of you I was able to conference with this week, it was great to see you, hear your questions and concerns, and share in your joy! For those I have yet to conference with, I'm excited to set a time with you to talk about your wonderful children!

REMINDER: Next Wednesday, the 7th, is Picture Day! With all that's going on right now, I know I appreciated the extra reminder. Lol! The pictures will be taken outside, so please dress your children accordingly. I know that if pictures were today it would have been very hard to get a natural smile out of a little girl in a sleeveless dress, even if she's only out for a few minutes.

The kids enjoyed the hint of warmer weather this week. It is new England, though, so we're never exactly sure what playground time is going to feel like. Please continue to pack a hat and gloves, just in case. Thank you so much!

The letter of the week this week was L. The kids were amazed by how easy an L is to write! Keep working on those writing skills, little learners!

We read the book Leon and Bob by Simon James. It's about a boy, Leon, who lives in an apartment with his mom, and comes home from school everyday hoping for a letter from his dad, who is in the military. He's an only child, but shares his room with his imaginary friend, Bob. Loen and Bob play together all the time, until one day Leon notices a new family moving into the building next door. When he walks next door to go talk to the new boy he doesn't see Bob anymore. He nervously knocks on the door anyway and meets the new boy, whose name is Bob.

What's new in CENTERS this week...

Blue bins- L letter find with dot markers

Yellow bins- Lacing

Green bins- a BIG bin of waffle blocks

Playdough- Green playdough with L-O letter mats, plastic flowers with leaves and stems

Sensory bins- Bird seed with scoops, cups, and spring erasers

Art- Letter L painting with Legos

Pretend Center- Flower Shop with color sorting vases, a cash register with money, order forms for "deliveries" and cards to fill out for the person receiving the flowers.

I hope you all have a wonderful and healthy weekend! As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns you may have!


Christina Renoni


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