Saying Goodbye to March in Mixed Age!
Good Afternoon Mixed Age Families,
I hope this update finds you all well. It was so nice meeting with all of you on Tuesday. It's hard to believe that April begins tomorrow and we only have 2 more months of school left. We will have some exciting things coming up to end our year, more info coming soon.
Here is what we did this week:
Math Table~ Numbered muffin tins 1-10 and counters for them to use.
Discovery Table~ Colored wooden sticks and plastic connectors to build with.
Easel~ Monday there was paper towel tube painting and the rest of the week they worked together to stick an assortment of things onto sticky paper. There were cut up pipe cleaners, feathers and different colored paper shapes to stick on.
Art/Writing Table~ Painting using string dipped in bright colored paints. Their artwork is hanging up in the hallway along with their Rainbow fish. They had some spring coloring pages along with white paper which they enjoy cutting using the scissors.
Puzzles & Games Table~ We had a world map puzzle out this week and lots of teamwork putting it together throughout the week.
Books: Music:
Diggersaurus Tutti Ta
In My Heart a Book of Feelings Stand up, Sit Down
Olivia and the Missing Toy Thunder
Show and Tell this week is bring in 1 item that has numbers on it. Please have your child bring the item into the classroom when they come in on Monday morning. Thank. you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Julie Haynes, Katy Fyrberg and Tia Touch
