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Week 14 in Pre-K 1

Hi Everyone,

We started our week heavily bundled up & enjoying the snow and ice that were on our playground from the storm last Saturday. By today, we had extra recess time & temperatures of almost 50 degrees!

The new activities for the month of December have all been very popular. Sensory boxes of sand are out daily and the post office is very, very busy!

Our Reading Street Book this week was Round Is A Mooncake: A Book of Shapes by Roseanne Thong. "A little girl's neighborhood becomes a discovery ground of things round, square and rectangular." The children were very excited to point out objects in our book and name what shape the object was. We also did this within our classroom. Our song was "Come With Me". Our vocabulary words were ticket, envelope, mooncake, basket and room.

Our Letter of the Week was G. Our song was "Get Going, Get Going".

We also read Who'll Pull Santa's Sleigh Tonight? by Laura Rader and Bear Stays Up For Christmas by Karma Wilson.

Other activities in our classroom this week were:

Discovery: There was a ramp with different items. The children could test each item to see which ones rolled down the ramp and which did not.

Math: Hi Ho! Cherry-O board game-the children really liked this. There were also gumball worksheets and gumballs (circle sticker to put on). They worked hard to count how many gumballs were in their gumball machine and wrote the number underneath.

Project Table: G is for Gingerbread-we worked on making gingerbread boys and girls. Everyone made one for our Bulletin

Board and some children made extra ones to bring home.

G is for Grinch-the children stamped their hand (by themselves) and they turned it into the Grinch.

We also began a "top secret" project which will come home next week.

Art Easel: Shape Art.....what can you turn a triangle into, how about a circle?

Painting a goldfish-orange paint and different shape foam pieces were available to decorate the fish

Looking ahead, we will not be having a Letter of the Week or Show & Tell. We will pick back up after the holiday break.

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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