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Week 2 in 3's

We had another FABULOUS week at school! The children are enjoying playing together and seem to really enjoy the activities we have at school. I attached a few photos from center time. NOTE: Mrs. Lay found some great masks for little kiddos, they fit nicely and stay up over noses! If your child is having trouble keeping his/her mask up over the nose, you may want to give these a

This week at CIRCLE TIME we read a new book called, Hands Can by Cheryl Willis Hudson (ask your child about what HANDS can do!). This story is a good introduction to self-awareness, which is the first step to social and emotional learning. Self-awareness focuses on teaching children that they are unique individuals with abilities and feelings. We will spend a LOT of time practicing these things before moving on to social interaction skills. Music and movement songs included We are the dinosaurs! and the Bear Hunt (a class favorite).

A few of our center activities are the same as last week. If children really enjoyed something last week, we chose to keep those activities out and added some new things too. Next week, we will have new block area toys, playdough and sensory bin materials.

Here is what’s NEW in centers:

Magnets: Children used magnetic clothes to dress flat girl and boy dolls. They had lots of fun dressing them up in different outfits.

Art/Fine Motor: Each child painted a “body” for their Me Collage. Then, they used glue bottles to glue different collage materials onto their body. They also glued a photograph of their head on to the body to complete the project. These will go home next week after they dry. The students LOVE to glue!!

Discovery Bins: This week, they LOVED playing with the magnet balls and sticks. They were working together to build all kinds of creations. They are already starting to share ideas with each other, which is a great step to building friendships!

Have a great weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Your teachers,

Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni


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