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Week 2 in Mixed Age

Hello All,

We had another great week. The kids have really settled in nicely and have worked hard all week using our planning chart during choice time. They are beginning to form friendships and playing with each other. The weather has been so good and they have loved their recess time. They are a such a good class!!!

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Numbered apple cards 1-5 and seeds to put on each of the apples.

Discovery Center~ Magna tiles along with plastic family pieces. They really enjoyed building with the magna tiles the last 2 weeks, some would build towers and other built keeping the pieces flat.

Art Table~ Paper plate apples. They glued on pieces of ripped paper that was either red, green or yellow. They got to choose what color they wanted and loved using the glue stick to glue the papers on. They are now hanging in our classroom on the bulletin board. Enjoy the picture that is attached!!

Art Easel~ Dot painting trees. This was a very popular activity for some of the kids!! They love to paint!!

Listening Center~ Pete the Cat I love my White Shoes

Block Area~ The kids have enjoyed building with the blocks and using the cars.

Pretend~ The babies are being well cared for at the center this week!!

Sensory Bins~ The sand has been a hit so far, they love the shells and glass beads mixed in as well as an umbrella and pails. A little table top sandbox ;)

Play-doh~ Always a fin activity, everyone is doing a great job finding their own bin of play dough and taking care of it when they are done.


Silly Bear Hunt

Hello Everybody

Tuttie Ta

Books we read:

Mouse Paint By Ellen Stoll Walsh

Gray Rabbits 123 By Alan Baker

Apple Trouble By Ragnhild Scammen

Each day when we clean up after choice time we listen to The Reading Train when the room is cleaned we get to dance, we then listen to the Alphardy song to learn the sounds that the letter sound song.

** Something to work on at home is putting on their own backpacks. There are a few times throughout the day that this skill is good to have mastered, I am always there to help but it would make them feel proud and more confident if they could do it themselves!!! Thank you!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!! See you Monday!!

Best Regards,

Julie Haynes


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