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Week 2 in Pre-K 1

Hello All,

Our first full week in Pre-K was a great one! Everyone is enjoying the time in our classroom & the beautiful weather outside during recess. The hoppers (bouncy balls) were out on our playground and were a big hit. Our class loves to play chase & ride the bikes.

We began our Reading Street Curriculum this week. Our Reading Street book was The House in the Meadow by Shutta Crum (we will read our book twice each week). " Over in the meadow there's a spring wedding, with the couple's 10 best friends to celebrate. What's next? A house! 9 diggers, 8 masons, 7 carpenters, 6 well diggers, 5 roofers, 4 plumbers, 3 electricians, 2 painters, and 1 inspector

show up with all their trucks and tools to build a new house. And when the couple and their friends have a house-warming party, a new baby comes, too!" Our "Amazing Words" from our story were build, carpenter, paint, climbed, pipes and roof.

There is a song that goes along with our book each week. This week our song was Build A House.

The other books we read this week were Up, Up, Up! It's Apple Picking Time by Jody Fickes Shapiro and That's What Friends Are For by Julia Hubery.

Our Centers this week:

Writing Table: Dry Erase Boards and Handwriting Without Tears Worksheets

Discovery Table: Sensory Bottles

Math Table: Counting-Pegboards

Art Easel: Sponge painting apple trees, free art sponge painting and shape stampers

Art Table: Sparkly paint with white paper and materials to make a house (craft sticks, colored popsicle sticks, toothpicks, cotton balls, markers). One of my favorite things is to see what the children create with the materials provided.

Listening Center: Pete The Cat Rocking In My School Shoes by Eric Litwinis.

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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