Week 5 in Mixed Age
Hello Families,
Welcome to October. The kids have all settled in so nicely and have been forming some nice friendships. They are getting working together and helping each other out. They all did a super job during our Fire Drill yesterday!! They have loved playing outside this week using the rakes, playing hop scotch, digging in the sandbox and playing basketball and football. They are all very busy!!
Here is what we did in the classroom this week!
Math Table~ Shape magnets to build with.
Discovery Table~ Sensory bottles filled with different things. They enjoyed watching the marbles moving slowly through the hair gel or the sequins in the water and vegetable oil mixture.
Art/Writing~ Mixing yellow and red paint to make ORANGE. They each got a scoop of each color and then they mixed the colors together with a paintbrush to make an orange pumpkin, They also had free art materials for making collage pumpkins or pictures and some of them made cards.
Easel~ Dot painting either a scarecrow or a squirrel.
Sensory Bins~ Their bins are now filed with dried corn and beans. They have a little black cauldrons along with small apples and pumpkins and some leaves that have the letters of their names on them. This was very enjoyable for them and was a popular place all week.
Play-doh~ Is now orange with pumpkin and fall cookie cutters for them to use!!
Pretend Center~ Has turned into a Farm stand. they have apples trees and baskets of fruit to use.
Listening Center~ Llama Llama and the Bully Goat
Animal Action 1 & 2
Listen and Move
The Number Rock
Silly Bear Hunt
Hello Everybody
Duck Rides a Bike
Duck Rides a Tractor
Go Away Big Green Monster
Just a reminder that we have NO SCHOOL on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Have a wonderful one weekend!!

Julie Haynes