Week 6 in Pre-K 1
Hi Everyone,
We had another great week at school! We finished our first unit of the Reading Street Curriculum. We will now start our "Going Places" Unit. The children show such enthusiasm for the Reading Street books & songs!
This week our Reading Street Book was Homes A to Z by Judy Nayer. This book was about all different houses people live in all around the world. We talked about what our houses look like and which homes in the book we would like to live in. Our Reading Street song was I Live In A Castle. Our vocabulary words were castle, carpets, cave, farm, jungle and row.
Our Letter of the Week was H and our song was Way Up High.
The other books we read this week were Because of An Acorn by Lola Schaefer & Adam Schaefer and Squirrel's Busy Day by Lucy Barnard. We listened to The Legend of Spookley The Square Pumpkin by Joe Troiano.
Other activities included:
Writing Table: H Booklets & H Worksheets
Discovery Table: Removing spiders from the web...the children used tweezers to remove spiders from underneath the webs (yarn) in the basket
Math Table: Color Snap Puzzles...the children matched the colors to put together the picture. Pulling out the pieces was good work for their fingers!
Art Easel: Scarecrow and pumpkin dot painting and then white paper with dot markers
Art Table: Apple Tree craft (lacing yarn around the top of the tree and trunk, gluing apples to the tree)
Spookley Project (different shape pumpkins to decorate)
I'm not sure if you heard but there was a wagon out at recess this week. What fun this was! The children worked together to push friends around for a ride. I attached a picture of them in action!
Looking ahead our Letter of the Week will be T. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
