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Week 8 in Mixed Age

Hello All,

    We had a wonderful few days of school thia week. The kids have been working hard at getting their jackets on the Jack and Jill way; Tag to the toes, arms in the holes, and up and over the head it goes. I am so proud of them.   

Today we had an obstacle course set up in the hallway since we couldn't go outside to play. There was a hopscotch, 2 balance boards and a balance beam, they had a blast and enjoyed cheering each other on when they were waiting for their own turns. 

        Here is what we did in the classroom this week.

Math Table~ Numbered 1-10 pumpkin puzzles.

Discovery Table~ Baskets with yarn to look like spider webs and little spider rings. The kids used tweezers to try to get all of the spiders out of their webs. 

Easel~ Watercolor free art. They all enjoyed painting with the watercolors and some of them were happy their pictures were dry at the end of the day so they could take them home. 

Art/Writing Table~ Spookely the Square pumpkin activity along with free art with paper and stickers. They also had the magna doodles out to use. 

Listening Center~ Spookley the Square Pumpkin

     This week is the last week for what is at the pretend center, sensory bins and we will also have a new color play-doh next week. I can't not believe that it will be November!!!!

Books we read:

Spookley the Square Pumpkin  By Joe Troiano

If I had a Sheep By Mick Inkpen

Click, Clack Peep by Doreen Cronin


Stand up, Sit Down

Hamster Dance (freeze dance style)

Animal Action 1

Silly Bear Hunt 

Wiggling Dance

Freeze Dance

We will be starting show and tell next week on Monday!  Pleas bring 1 item  to school on Monday that begins with the letter A!! Each child will be able to show the class their object and talk about it.  This will be fun!!!

I hope everyone has a safe Halloween and a nice weekend!! See you next all week!!


 Julie Haynes


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