Welcoming March in Pre-K 1
Hello All,
You may have heard the exciting news! We have another new friend in our class. Welcome to Charlotte & family!
The children were very excited about some new centers for March.
The Sensory Bins now have coffee beans, acorns, brown shredded paper and blue crystals. At this table there are fairy houses, fairies and woodland animals for the children to use in their bins.
Our play doh is green. This week there were alphabet cookie cutters to use.
Our Pretend Center continues to be a school. It is still a very busy spot each day. Since February was a short month in school and March is a long one, I told the children that next week would be the last week of it.
We took a break from Our Reading Street Curriculum this week. We read Alan's Big Scary Teeth by Jarvis on Monday. The rest of the week we read Dr. Seuss books......The Cat In The Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and Ten Apples on Top! The children voted today for which of these books was their favorite. The Cat In The Hat won with 4 votes.
Our Letter of the Week was A. Our Letter Sound Song was Clap, Clap, Clap for the Animal Act.
Other activities in our classroom this week were:
Math: Unifix Cubes....counting, patterning, and building rockets with a specific number of cubes.
Project Table: A is for Alligator...pieces to create the letter A and turn it into an alligator
Hat from Cat In The Hat....so great to see the children proud of their hats. They colored them in and then cut it out all by themselves!
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Craft....fish bowl to decorate and fish to add
Art Easel: Rainbow worksheets to create with dot markers & cotton balls
Assorted Dr. Seuss worksheets
Discovery Center: This center was closed. You may have heard that I was having "meetings" with the children. I began doing assessments and will continue next week.
Looking ahead our Letter of the Week will be V. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Kelley
