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Wrapping up September in Pre-K 2!

Hello Pre K Families,

We had a very busy week in Pre –K this week!

I’m guessing by now, you have heard about our time timer. We set it at snack time, and lunch time. It is a turn dial timer and the amount of time we have to do something is seen in red. As the time runs out, so does the red section. This helps the children learn that they only have a certain amount of time to do things while at school. They are very quick to let me know if I forget to set the time timer!

The letter of the week was “F” At the art table this week…We made Feathery F’s. F- Frog ( catching flies with his long tongue). The children also painted pumpkins for our bulletin board!

This is what is going on in our centers!

Dramatic Play- Last week of the “ home”center.

Art Easel- This week the children painted on Foil.

Math Center- This week the children matched colors, and did some sequencing.

Discovery Table- Sensory bottles, sensory gloves.

Sensory Table- This week at the sensory table it was all about working those fine motor skills! I wasn’t sure how this would be received, but it was a hit! I filled the table with scissors, hole punches, paper scrapes and stickers.

This weeks Reading Street book was… “Night Shift Daddy” by Eileen Spinelli

The girl in the story shares time with her daddy. Daddy makes good treats, reads stories and tucks her in bed. Then the girl does the same for her daddy when he comes home from work. This weeks vocabulary words were- clocks, night, shares, work, sleep and snores.

Next week’s letter is E, show and tell on Tuesday for letter E.

This week’s Reading Street Song- Good Night, Good Night.

Letter of the week song- Five Fat Cats.


Miss Pascal

Mrs. Taylor


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