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Ending January in Pre-K 1

Hi Everyone,

We had a good week in our classroom. The children have been working together on the rug at Center Time building wonderful things...buildings, spaceships, fences, houses, garages and games to use with marbles. It is so nice to hear their great ideas as they create.

Our Reading Street Book this week was Close Your Eyes by Kate Banks. "The little tiger lay on his back in the tall grass.

Close your eyes little tiger said his mother and go to sleep. But the little tiger is worried about what sleep might bring. His mother reassures him that once he closes his eyes he will dream of magical places. And when he awakens, she will be right there, waiting for him." Our Reading Song was Little Stripes, the Tiger. Our vocabulary words were dreams, mountains, stretched, catch, ocean and stripes.

Our Letter of the Week was D. Our song was Did Old Dandy Dog Dig in the Dirt?

We also read If You Give a Dog a Donut by Laura Numeroff, Dig by Andrea Zimmerman & David Clemesha and How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight by Jane Yolen.

Other activities in our classroom this week were:

Discovery: Hatching frozen dinosaur eggs. This was the place to be this week! The children used droppers of water and tweezers to excavate the dinosaurs from the frozen eggs.

Project Table: D is for Dog......the children could make a dog out of the letter D.

D is for Donut....painting a paper plate to look like a donut....different colored donuts and many with lots of sprinkles. Some children were even making donuts for their brothers and sisters too!

Art Easel: Dot markers and mittens

Listening Center: Counting Monkeys by Mac Barnett

Math Table: Numbered snowman counting activity

Looking ahead our Letter of the Week will be P. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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