February Fun in Enrichment!
Hi everyone!
February is in full swing in Enrichment; talking about love, friendship, and being kind to everyone. While Valentine's Day is commercially viewed as a day for romantic love... in preschool we frame it as a day (or a bunch of days) to tell/show people how special they are to you.
Next Monday, the 13th, We'll be having a Valentine's Dance upstairs in Fellowship Hall with the other classes in school that day. Children are welcome to wear festive colors, if they choose.
Our classroom Valentine's celebration will be on Tuesday the 14th. Correction from last time- there are 15 children total in our class. Festive attire is welcome, but not mandatory. Valentine cards (please no candy) are also welcome, but not mandatory. Cards should have the "From" part filled out, but not the "To" part.
On a different note, please be aware that going forward we'll be locking the classroom door when we start circle time, to be opened again when circle time is over. There's a lot of important routines and information that happen during the first 15/20 minutes of the day, and stopping several times after we start is disruptive to the kids that are there, and the kids that are late are missing things. We understand that running late happens! As we tell the kids, "oops' happen"! Please just give us a call so that we are aware. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Lay and myself. Thanks!
This week Mrs. Lehane read us Skippyjon Jones by Judith Byron Schachner, which is a book about a cat with a very active imagination! Sensei Michael also came and worked with the kids on defense moves, body control, and how and when we use these moves.
Our book this week was Pete the Cat: Valentine's Day is Cool by Kim and James Dean. Pete and Callie work together to make cards for the people in their community and class to let them know how cool they are!
What was NEW in centers?
Art- The children decorated Valentine bags and cards!
Easel- Using stickers and crayons, the children decorated Valentine's teddy bear pictures.
Math- Valentine counting 1-10. We practiced our counting skills and matched up small hearts with the number of dots on each page.
Playdough- This month the children used a spinning wheel to choose their color of playdough. The winner was Orange!
Pretend center- We've got a construction crew in Enrichment! Using tools and safety gear, there's lots of things being fixed around the room!
Discovery- The children had a LOT of fun using shaving cream as snow with our artic animals!
We had a wonderful week this week, and we hope you're being filled in with all the stories and excitement of the classroom.
We look forward to seeing you all on Monday!
Christina Renoni, Ashlee Taylor, and Erica Derbyshire