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Happy Thanksgiving from the 3's!

Hello families! There is a lot to read, so please take a few minutes to read all the way through.

Housekeeping Notes:

- Please have your child try to use the bathroom before coming into class. If your child wears pull-ups/diapers, please make sure they are clean and dry.

- Please put an extra, clean mask in your child’s backpack each day.

- As the school year goes on, the children are gaining more and more independence. Please help them at home to learn how to put their masks on. Pulling hair back into a ponytail can be very helpful. Getting the mask up over the ears is tricky with hair in the way! We greatly appreciate your help!

We were busy at school this week. Mrs. Renoni and I have started our assessments for the students' progress reports. During the months of September and October, we took data on our observations of the children during their play. This month, we started having "meetings" with each child to go over some specific skills assessment. The children have been doing a great job during their "meetings" and we look forward to sharing their progress with you in December.

We repeated a lot of the activities from last week because we only had one day of school.

This week at MORNING MEETING we read Big Box of Shapes by Wiley Blevins again. The kiddos are getting very good at guessing what Max and Lulu are going to make with the shapes they find in the bog box. We also did some dancing to We Are the Dinosaurs, Baby Shark, and the Freeze Dance. We also played a ball throwing and catching game.

Here’s what’s NEW in CENTERS!

Discover Center: Children used their "pinchy" fingers to place clothespin feathers onto paper turkeys.

Art: The students used glue bottles to stick felt shapes and shiny gems onto paper. Glue is definitely a big hit in our class! Some friends also made handprint turkey hats for Thanksgiving (we put the hats in their backpacks).

Easel: More dot markers this week and Thanksgiving coloring pages.

Math: This center had LOTS of red, blue, orange, green, purple and yellow bears and matching color caves. The children sorted the bears into the caves.

The students are still having a great time playing with the car garage in the block area, selling donuts and coffee in the pretend center, and making apple pies at the sensory table.

Our classroom library has also been a popular place to relax and look at books.

Lastly, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for our students and families. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, December 2nd. Please be on the lookout for a Family Holiday Survey making its way to your in-boxes soon!


Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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