More Fun in 5 Day Pre-K!
Hello All,
We started our week off with a visit from Mrs. Lehane. She read The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV by Stan & Jan Berenstain.
Our Reading Street Book this week was Whatever the Weather by Karen Wallace. Our Reading Street Song was What's The Weather Like? Our vocabulary words were weather, storm, cold, warm, snow and bending. It was a perfect week to talk about the weather! We talked about listening to the wind.
We also read Spring Changes by Ellen Senisi and listened to Count The Monkeys by Mac Barnett.
Our Letter of the Week was M and our Letter Sound Song was Merry Mama Mouse and Grandma Mole.
Other activities included:
Discovery Table: A 150 piece Micro Puzzle-the children put this together in just over a day. It was a breakfast table.