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Moving Through March in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

Happy Spring! It looks like the cold weather is finally behind us!

I told the children I played the violin and had one at home, as we discussed V-words. The wanted me to bring in in. I brought it in Thursday and they all had a turn to try and play! I think we have some future musicians in the class!

Dramatic Play- Last week for the bakery.

Sensory Table- This month, the bins is filled with dried peas, numerous containers, spoon, trays.

Art Easel- Painting flowers.

Discovery Table- Volcanic eruptions! On Monday and Tuesday we erupted volcanos! ( baking soda and vinegar with some red food dawn dish soap coloring added for effect!).

On Tuesday and Wednesday, at the art table the children could make their own ( smaller version) volcano’s, and then take them home to erupt. We went through a gallon of vinegar and 2 boxes of baking soda, I would say they loved this one! On Wednesday and Thursday the children enjoyed looking through microscopes at different slides.

Art Table- This week we made V-Vases full of flowers, and salt dough volcanos. The children also made a map of our room. It was interesting to see how different each one was, and how they see the room!

Our Reading Street book this week was another book from our Transportation Unit. Ask your child the 3 ways to travel!

The Big Trip. What could be more fun than a big trip? Pig can't wait to go, but Goat is worried. How will Pig get there? Bicycles are unsteady, horses can throw you off. Cars can break down and trains get stuck in tunnels. A trip can be no vacation at all...but leave it to Pig to send Goat's worries packing and turn tricky travel into smooth sailing. How did he do it??

I asked the children, if they could travel anywhere how would they travel and who is the one person they would bring with them. The answers were fantastic, they included an explanation as to why they would travel with a certain someone!

As we continue on with our diagonal letters, next up…The letter M.

Show and tell on Tuesday for M.


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