Feeling Like Spring in 4 Day Pre-K!
Hello Families!
I hope everyone had a great April vacation! All the kids did a good job transitioning back into the school routine. The weather has been a little up and down this week (Welcome to New England!) so please make sure to send an appropriate jacket everyday! Monday was Earth Day and we talked a lot about different ways to take care of the Earth. On Wednesday we introduced 5 caterpillars to the class. The kids were SO excited!
Here is a look at our centers....
-At the Art Table on Monday and Tuesday we made Earths using marbles and blue/green paint. The kids put marbles and white paper inside of a box with green/blue paint. They then shook the box back and forth to make the marbles roll all over the paper. The outcome was AWESOME! The children also used different pastas to make the life cycle of butterflies on Wednesday and Thursday. Both of these projects will be hung up around the room.
-At the Math Table the kids got to play Math Bingo. They had a lot of fun with this!
-At the Writing Table there was a variety of "N" worksheets and books.
-At the Discovery Table on Monday and Tuesday the kids got to learn about and plant their own grass. They used potting soil, grass seeds, shovels and a spray bottle. We have been keeping these by the window in hopes that the grass will grow. Once this happens, they will be sent home! On Wednesday and Thursday the kids got to examine the caterpillars using magnifying glasses. They then drew what they observed. We will continue this until they transform into butterflies.
-This was our last week for the Space Center (dramatic play) and Fishing (sensory table) They were switched over after the class left on Thursday!
We Need Construction Workers
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Magic Hat
Spring Changes
I hope everyone has a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
Mrs. Deighan & Mrs. Derbyshire
