4 Day Pre-K News for This Week!
Hello Families!
I can't believe we are already at April vacation week! This school year is flying by! I hope everyone had a chance to view the Solar Eclipse that happened on Monday. We talked alot about it during Circle Time. The weather was SO nice the beginning of the week so we got the chance to stay out longer during recess! Everyone did a great job with the Letter M so we will be moving on to Letter N the next time we meet.
Here is a look at our centers this week...
•At the Art Table we made aluminum foil Moons, "M" Monsters and Space inspired Color By Number. We also had numerous Outer Space and Solar Eclipse coloring sheets
•At the Science Table we had a visual of The Solar Eclipse. The kids got to use a flashlight to see what the whole thing was going to look like. It was pretty cool!
•At the Writing Table we had a variety of "M" papers and books for them to work on.
•At the Math Table we had different cards with objects on them for the kids to measure. They could use counting blocks or a tape measure.
•Hello Spring
•The Family Tree
•Aliens Love Underpants (they got a kick out of this book!)
•Grow Flower Grow
I hope everyone has a great April vacation! We will see you all on Monday April 22nd!
Mrs. Deighan & Mrs. Derbyshire
