On to April in Mixed Age
Hello Mixed Age Families,
Happy Spring!!! I love this time of year, the fresh air and the warmer temps. The kids have really been enjoying our recess time, as long as the rain holds out. We had a good two days with each other and I enjoyed conferences yesterday. It is hard to believe that it will be April tomorrow and we only have a few more months of school together.
Here is what we had at the centers this week~
Math Table~ Plastic eggs, counting bears and a bucket balance for weighing. They enjoyed filling up each of the buckets with the objects to see if they could make the items weigh the same by adding and subtracting the eggs and bears from the buckets.
Discovery~ Family counters with colored plastic houses.
Art~ Wind up toy painting and egg roll painting. They had to wind up the chick or bunny that were dipped in yellow or purple paint and send them across the paper, sometimes they needed a little nudge to get moving out of the paint blob on the paper. They also had plain paper for free art!
Easel~ Painting with plastic eggs.
Sensory Bins~ Colorful plastic bugs and worms filled their bins along with a pair of kids tweezers and a red cup, there is also black tape crisscrossed on the top of the bin that looks like a spider web. They enjoyed balancing the bugs and worms on the tape or sticking them onto the bottom side of the tape. They loved using the tweezers and looking at the bugs up close.
Play Dough~ Pink and yellow with flower cookie cutters and play dough tools.
Listening Center~ Teacher's Pets By Dayle Ann Dodds
What do You See? Judy Nayer
Slowly, Slowly, Slowly , Said the Sloth BY Eric Carle
Animal Action
Baby Shark
Silly Bear Hunt
Letter T is our show and tell letter next week!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Julie Haynes
