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On to October in the 3's!

Good afternoon, everyone!

As we start our second month (which for these little ones is only days 9 &10) of school, the kids are becoming more comfortable in the classroom each day!

We're excited to let you know that October is Community Helper Month at Jack and Jill! All month we'll be learning fun things from people in our own community! We look forward to inviting these new friends into our classroom!

Our book this week was An Apple a Day by Melvin Berger. This non-fiction BIG book gives us facts about how apples grow, when and how they get picked, and some different things that can be done with them. They were surprised by the different colored apples!

What's NEW in CENTERS?

Art- Apple Suncatchers- The children used red, yellow, and green tissue paper to fill in an apple on contact paper.

Easel- Fall themed ink pads and big stamps.

Math- Giant Shape Matching- Using wooden blocks the children matched the outlines of the shapes.

Playdough- Thursday we played with Magnetiles, and Friday we introduced Playdough! With our orange playdough we used rolling pins, and pumpkin cookie cutters, in addition to using their wonderful imaginations!

Pretend Center- This month we're making apple and pumpkin pies in our pretend center! Measuring cups and spoons, bowls, whisks, pretend spices, felt crusts, and "recipes" give us lots of room for imagination!

Block area- We've added Magnetiles, Gears, and Community Helper lacing to the blocks.

Literacy board- The children are using magnetic letters to match up with the letter pumpkins on the board.

Writing table- We helped pumpkins get to their pumpkin patch by tracing lines with white board markers.

Sensory table- This month we have shredded paper, fabric leaves, real acorns, and boxes for the children to play with and get lots of different tactile input at the same time!

We hope you all have a wonderful long weekend! And don't forget about Jack and Jill's Papa Gino's Fundraiser on Wednesday night. Please check out Mrs. Lay's previous emails or our Facebook page for more details!

As always, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!


Ashlee Taylor and Christina Renoni


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