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Week 8 in Enrichment

Hi everyone!

We had a great week, this week! The children are working hard on getting their own coats and backpacks on and off. They've come a long way!

Our book this week was Spookley the Square Pumpkin by Joe Troiano. Spookley is a pumpkin who gets teased by the other pumpkins because he doesn't look the same. But one light he saved the other pumpkins by being brave and finding the place where he fit perfectly. The farmer then decided to "sow" Spookley's seeds because he could tell Spookley was special. From then on the farmers pumpkin patch grew all sorts of different shaped and colored pumpkins. The class learned "not to judge a book...or pumpkin, by it's cover."

The new things we played with in centers this week were...

Green Bins- Magna Tiles

Blue Bins- Magnetic dress up dolls

Red Bins- New puzzles

Art- Foam costumed owl, Create your own Spookley, and Foam pumpkin decorating

This week we listened to fun (not scary) Halloween themed music during center time. For example, we listened to Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Fence, Five Little Pumpkins (feelings), and the Ghostbusters Theme song. These kids have some great dance moves!

Below is a picture of some of our class in front of our Gerald and Piggie pumpkins! Say "PIGGIE!!!"

I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


Christina Renoni


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