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Week of January 25th in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

We had a great week in Pre-K and had so much fun playing in the snow!!

We will be celebrating friendship and Valentines Day February 11th. We will be exchanging valentines in our classroom on Thursday.


***** We will be exchanging valentines in our Pre-K classroom on Feb 11th. Please send in 10 Valentines, signed by your child. Please do not send in candy or sweets. You are welcome to send in pencils, stickers or tattoo’s ( some examples). We will be decorating bags at school to collect the cards in. Please do not address the cards, as it makes it easier for your child to hand out if there are no names on the valentines. You can start sending them in anytime next week and PLEASE have them brought in by February 11th!

This is what went on in the centers this week!

Dramatic Play- We said goodbye to the ice rink and wonderful ice shows today. It was a class favorite!

Playdough- The children love making snowmen with the white glitter playdough, adding a hat, eyes, carrot nose and scarf. This was the last day for this theme for play-dough

Art Easel- This week at the easel the children could make a fingerprint Jellybean Jar. ( J week)

Discovery Table- This week at the discovery table… There was a balance scale and the children searched the classroom to compare the weight of different objects. The children also had to work to balance the scale, I filled one side with water, they had to add water until it balanced.

Art Table- The children could make a Jellyfish J and a Jeweled J this week. We also made some Jewelry ( bracelets).

The Reading Street book this week was Quack Daisy Quack! by Jane Simmons. Daisy and her little brother, Pip, explore their pond surroundings, looking for playmates who aren't afraid to be a little noisy. When Aunt Lily takes them to the feeding pond where all the ducks are quacking, Daisy and Pip think they've found the perfect playground... that is, until they lose sight of Mama Duck and Aunt Lily. Now they really have to be loud -- to be found.

We talked about what to do if you ever become separated from your parents.

We also read- The Snow Rescue and The Winter Snow.

J- Song was “Jump, Jump , Jump for Joy”

******Next week the letter of the week is D. Show and tell will be on Tuesday.********


Robin Pascal


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