Weekly Update from Mixed Age!
Good Afternoon Mixed Age Families,
These weeks are flying way to fast and I'm not sure how it is almost February. The kids had a great week at school and have been really enjoying playing with the babies at the pretend center and making cookies and hot chocolate. The dollhouse at the block area has been a big hit for all and the magna ties are always a favorite.
Here are a few updates:
~ If and when we have any more snow make sure that all snow gear is labeled as well as in a reusable shopping bag with their name on it. They carry all of their belongings in with them so if everything is in a bag it is easier for them.
~ Please remember to have your child wear elastic waist pants, if they have trouble buttoning or unbuttoning their pants. This will help them to feel more successful and independent while they are using the bathroom.
~ We have 13 children in our class for passing out Valentines cards.
~Please remember that stuffed animals should not be coming to school, we do have special days where they can bring in something from home but we will inform you when that is.
Here is what we did in the classroom:
Math Table~ The class has been enjoying the shape hunt this week. We hung shapes around the room and the kids used clipboards with the shape sheet checklist and walked around hunting for the shapes. They worked great together giving hints and helping each other out.
Discovery Table~ On Monday we had a bin full of water and rubber ducks and boats, The rest of the week we had plastic building squares at the table.
Art/Writing Table~ Polar Bear paper plates. There was an assortment if paper out as well and dot stickers to use.
Easel~ Q-tip painting snowy trees
Music: Books:
Mrs. Fyrberg taught the kids some yoga Stack the Cats
~ Tick Talk Little Yoga Clock A Loud Winters Nap
~ Sun Salutation The Lion who wanted to Love
Wiggle your Fingers
Stand up, Sit Down
Freeze Dance
Hamster Dance
Mrs. Lehane came in and read No more Water in the Tub by Todd Arnold
Today Mrs. G came in with her ukulele and sang with the kids as well as read Bear Snores on!
On Monday we are going to start out day a little different. The kids are going to go right to out choose kind rug to have our morning meeting. Please arrive to school to be ready to come into the classroom at 9:00. Thank you!
Hope to see you all at out Open House tomorrow between 9:30 and 11:30!!
Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg
