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A Week Before Vacation in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

On Monday, we celebrated Valentine's Day. Everyone had a turn to show off their mailbox. We sat in a circle and each child took a turn delivering their cards to their friends. We had fun dancing and even did the limbo. For a treat after lunch, the children each got sugar cookies and frosting to decorate it.

Our Reading Street Book this week was Whatever the Weather by Karen Wallace. Our Reading Street Song was What's The Weather Like? Our vocabulary words were weather, storm, cold, warm, snow and bending. It was a perfect week to talk about the weather! We talked about how warm it was last Saturday, snowed on Sunday and we even had some rain this week too. I asked the children if anyone heard the wind this morning....a couple of friends did and one friend didn't but did hear the recycling truck :).

We also read The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We listened to Footprints in the Snow by Mei Matsucka.

Our Letter of the Week was R. Our song was Racing In My Red

Our Pretend Center has changed to be a school. I love listening to the children as they play school. They are taking attendance, doing calendar, weather reporting, teaching letters and having fun with the felt board.

Other activities included:

Discovery Table: Fresh snow on Monday! There were containers with freshly scooped snow from outside. The children had fun touching the snow and watching what happened to it.

The rest of the week there was a rain cloud science experiment.

Math Table: Puzzle Pegboards

Writing Table: Letter R Worksheets and books. Doodle boards and white paper.

Art Easel: Blue paper and chalk for free art

Project Table: Heart Sunglasses to decorate I Love You to Pieces Project Name Snowmen...the children counted out the letters in their name and then wrote each letter on a snowball. These are on the Bulletin Board outside of our classroom.

Snowflake...threading beads onto pipe cleaners to make a beautiful snowflake.

Rainbow markers to make a rainbow fish. A few friends asked me if they could make one after vacation so this will be available when we return.

I hope you all have a wonderful February vacation. I will see you on Monday, February 28th.


Mrs. Kelley


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