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April Awesomeness in Enrichment!

The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the flowers and bugs are coming feels like Spring in New England! We hear it's supposed to be nice the rest of the week too, we hope you enjoy it! With the flowers and trees popping up, we're also seeing allergies pop up. Any donations of tissues with a pop up top, or bounty paper towels would be greatly appreciated!

Mrs. Fyrberg came in again for Yoga this week! We're stretching our muscles, and moving in different ways we didn't know we could before!

This week we talked about things that float and sink, and why? We learned about density and displacement, and were surprised by some of our findings from our experiments! We read Things That Float and Things That Don't by David A. Adler and Float by Daniel Miyares.

What was NEW in centers?

Art- We made name gardens! We wrote our name on the flower pot picture, then wrote each letter on a flower to go in the pot.

Easel- We glued flowers of all different colors, and even drew on some of the petals!

Math- We experimented with things that sink and float this week! We were surprised by some of our findings!

This is a reminder that Jack and Jill is closed next week for April vacation, and we'll see you all again on April 24th!

Have a happy and safe break!


Christina Renoni, Ashlee Taylor, and Erica Derbyshire


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