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Getting Ready for Kindergarten!

Hello Families,


We sure filled this week with learning and fun! We focused on listening and using manners.


Here is a look at what we did this week.


We worked on writing our names each day. We noticed improvement each morning. We sent home some blank pages for continued practice at home.  


The books we read were:

First Day Jitters

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Chicka Chicka 123

King of Kindergarten


Each day we had a special just like the public schools have, the children had a lot of fun with this.


On Monday, Mrs. Lehane was our librarian and she read Chrysanthemum! She talked about how to take care of the library books that are borrowed from the school library. Each student picked out their own book to check out from the Jack and Jill library. They were very responsible with the books. We still have a few missing library books. We will be here next week M-Th 9-1, please return your books next week if you have not already done so.


On Tuesday, Ms. Fyrberg visited for gym. She led the class in yoga. They enjoyed the yoga and did a good job listening.


On Wednesday, Mrs. Lay was our art teacher. We read What is A Square and discussed different shapes. We then made shape robots!


On Thursday, Mrs. T was our featured music teacher. As always, the class loved singing and dancing with her. She also read the book What Am I.


Some other activities we had this week were:

Tissue paper school buses

Line tracing

Sight word flashcards

Letter, number and shape hunts

Number bingo

ABC matching game

Journal page

King/queen of kindergarten hats where we also practiced scissors skills

“School Stew” – counting objects and following a recipe card

Dramatic play was transformed into a construction site. The children were able to work on strengthening their fine motor skills as they played.

Sensory bag with the letters of their names inside.

Counting to 100, counting by 10’s to 100.


We also learned 8 sight words this week. In Kindergarten the children will learn many sight words. The sight words we learned were I, a, to, we, do, see, am and the.


A special thank you to Mrs. Tracey Brown one of our substitutes who is also a bus driver in Attleboro. She and her co-worker Miss. Danielle were able to bring a school bus to the school for the children to see. They were very excited to get on the bus. Mrs. Brown answered all their questions. We also discussed bus safety.


We wrapped up the week with “cafeteria” lunch. The children who ordered lunch did an excellent job with their lunch trays. We had a fun lunch on Thursday.


Thank you for sharing your children with us this week we had a great time. Here are a few helpful hints for kindergarten success:

  1. Have children practice opening and closing all of their own containers and packages.

  2. Use a timer for lunch and snack times, eating times at school are short.

  3. Read all the information that is sent home from the school.

  4. Lunch box zippers can be tricky have your child practice opening and closing their lunch box.

  5. Keep practicing writing their names.

  6. Have fun!


We hope that everyone has a great first day of kindergarten and we hope to see some pictures.




Mrs. Kelley and Mrs. Haynes


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