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Inching Closer to the End of the School Year in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families!

I can't believe we only have 6 more days of school left! The kids have been practicing their songs for Graduation. I really am so proud of all of them! Next week we will be celebrating the kids who have Summer Birthdays! Quick reminder that we have NO SCHOOL on Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. Here is a look at our centers this week....

-At the Art Table the kids got the chance to make tissue paper suncatchers in the shape of Butterflies. They also got to color a variety of flower, butterfly and "Z" coloring pages.

-At the Math Table there was a magnetic number game.

-A the Science Table, Mrs.Derbyshire did a plant experiment. Three different seeds were put into tubes and were placed in the dark closet to see if anything would grow. FIngers crossed something happens!

-At the Play-Doh Table we had yellow play doh and a bunch of spring theme cookie cutters.

-At the Writing Table we had "Z" books and tracing sheets. This was our last letter of the alphabet. There will be NO Show & Tell next week!


-Bug Dance

-Animal Strike At The Zoo

-The Greedy Bee

-I'm The Biggest Thing In The Ocean

The kids REALLY enjoyed the Ice Cream Party on Thursday! We also found a "class pet" that joined us Wednesday for the morning before we let him go outside during recess. The kids named him Sunny George (he was a centipede).

I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday!

Mrs. Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire


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