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Inching Closer to the End of the School Year in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hello all,

Our Reading Street book this week was Follow the Leader! by Emma Chichester Clark.  "A little boy is playing a game of "follow the leader" along with an increasing number of friendly animals. But what should they do when a tiger wants to join in?" Ask your child what they did when the tiger wanted to play.  We had a lot of fun during the week playing Follow the Leader in our classroom. We even did it one day while we played the rhythm sticks.

Our Reading Street song was Let's Play Follow the Leader.

Mrs. Lehane was in to visit with us on Monday. She read The Betenstain Bears Forget Their Manners by Stan & Jan Berenstain. 

We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. This was helpful as we have been busy reviewing the letters of the alphabet, the correct formation and their sounds. Today, Mrs. Lay read The Berenstain Bears Get Stage Fright by Stan & Jan Berenstain. This was a perfect story to read before Graduation! The days are going quickly & before you know it the big day will be here. We have  been rehearsing for it. 

Other activities:

Project Table: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom craft-the children could make a tree, stamp the letters of their name & then count up how many letters are in their name to answer the question. 

Art Easel-White paper and paint to start the week. We ended the week with butterflies to color. 

Discovery Table-Four butterflies had emerged from their chrysalis. The children have enjoyed watching them fly in the butterfly house & the beauty of their new wings.  They even came up with names for each one. Today, we released the butterflies outside on the playground.  

Writing Table-Handwriting Without Tears slide boards. Also available, dot to dot worksheets and color by letter. 

Math Table-Link counting 

We will be closed on Monday, May 27th, in observance of Memorial Day. 


Mrs. Kelley


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