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Moving Through March in Pre-K 1

Hi All,

It is hard to believe that the month of March is almost over. The days in our classroom go by so quickly! The children enjoyed Tie Dye Day(s) this week.

Our Reading Street Book was What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? by Steve Jenkins. "Steven Jenkins and illustrator Robin Page explore the many amazing things animals can do with eyes, ears, mouth noses, feet and tails. Young readers will relish the mystery behind this interactive guessing book." The children truly enjoyed guessing what the animal was and what they did with their body part without seeing the whole animal. We continue to work on the skill of compare and we read about different things, we talk about how they are alike and how they are different. Our vocabulary words this week were breathe, meal, animals, insects, hear and see.

We also read No Jumping On The Bed! by Tedd Arnold and The Best Nest by P.D. Eastman. The class voted between our three stories this week and The Best Nest received the most votes so we read it again today.

Our Letter of the Week was N. Our Letter Sound Song was On a November, Night, Night, Night.

Art Easel: Noodle Painting....a pool noodle was cut into pieces and used to paint with. The children dipped it into different color paints and pressed it onto their paper. Markers were available too.

Today, there were flower pictures and finger crayons to use. The children were very surprised by these crayons. They were able to wear them on their fingertips to color with.

Project Table: Night paper, stars, chalk, grey paint

Necklaces...lacing beads onto twine

N is for Name...raised salt painting. The children traced the letters of their name with glue, added salt and then used droppers of watercolor paint. The children loved seeing the watercolors spread on the salt. There was a waiting list to get to this table today. Because of all of the steps for this project, everyone did not get a chance to do it. We will continue this project into next week.

Math Table: Sort and Snap Color Match

Writing Table: N Worksheet, N Letter Search, Cutting Worksheets

Discovery Table: Sort & Match Science Five Senses

Looking ahead, next week our Letter of the Week will be W. Our Class Color for Wednesday will be yellow.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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