Moving Through March in Enrichment!
Even though it was drizzling a bit while we were on the playground it felt good to get fresh air. I'm glad we were able to get out before the snow really picked up! Our New England weather is fickle, so please continue to pack a hat and mittens until we're totally in the clear as far as winter weather is concerned.
Now that masks are optional we're going to be working extra hard on covering our noses and mouth when we cough or sneeze. We're teaching them to cough or sneeze into their elbow. If you could put that into practice at home too, that would be wonderful! Thanks!
Our book this week was What Does It Mean To Be Kind? by Rana DiOrio. We started each page with "Does it mean..." and letting the kids answer. Things like holding the door open for someone, giving someone a compliment, standing up for someone who is being bullied, and being patient even when you're in a hurry. We learned some new words and phrases like celebrating differences, and harmonious.
What was NEW in centers this week?
Math- It was fun putting pattern puzzles together!
Discovery- We built with gears to make small and big creations move.
Easel- The children decorated flowers with dot markers, just like the flower in our book.
Art- Everyone made their own sunshine with the letters of their name on the rays. These will be hanging up in the hallway. They worked very hard counting how many letters there were, writing the letters individually and all together, and glueing the pieces down. Multi step projects like this help them to practice finishing something through to the end, remembering multi step directions, practicing writing their name, breaking their name into individual letters, plus more! The children also colored beans to help fill our sensory table.
If you didn't know this before, EVERYTHING we plan has a purpose. Jack and Jill's mission is to learn through play. We put that into practice in every part of our day!
Have a wonderful rest of your week. We look forward to seeing you next TUESDAY the 15th, because Jack and Jill is CLOSED next Monday for Professional Development.
Christina Renoni & Brenda Daday
