On to April in Pre-K 2
Hello Pre K Families,
Another great week ( minus a day) in Pre-K!
I enjoyed our time on Tuesday to discuss your wonderful children !
Here is what went on in the centers this week…
Dramatic Play- The dramatic play area has become a flower shop. The
children are putting together beautiful flower arrangements.
Art Easel- This week at the easel was one of my favorites. Interpretive art! I set out a clear vase with some dogwood flowers and the children painted then in their own style-interpretation.
Discovery Table- The children built a structure using toothpicks and marshmallows. Marshmallow engineering.
Sensory Table- sand, shells and treasures.
Art Table-M is for marble painting and M- Mouse
Our Reading Street book this week was another book from our Transportation Unit. Ask your child the 3 ways to travel!
Our Reading Street book this week was- My Truck is Stuck!! Ask you child What was the truck carrying? Did the driver get all of his load delivered? Who took the bones?
M song- Merry Mama Mouse and Grandma Mole.
Letter N is next, show and tell on Tuesday.
Have a great weekend!