Saying Good Bye to March in 4 Day Pre-K!
Hello Families!
It was so nice to meet with you all on Wednesday for Parent-Teacher Conferences! You're kids are all doing such a great job and it's crazy that our time together is almost over! This year has flown by! If anyone has any questions or concerns that they forgot to bring up on Wednesday please don't hesitate to reach out.
Our next letter of the week is V
Here is a glimpse at our Centers this week....
Art: The kids got to make "A" Alligators, decorate an egg and color by number
Math: There was a caterpillar head with a number listed next to it which the kids had to figure out and then use the bingo dots to make the correct number circles
Discovery: There was a variety of shape puzzles for the kids to explore
Writing: Worksheets, books and other activities related to the letter A
Easel: "March" coloring sheets and Free Art on Thursday
This was our last week for glitter play-doh, Doctor's Office in Dramatic Play & the "Green" Sensory Bin (those were all switched over to something new after the children left on Thursday!)
Reminder: PICTURE DAY is Thursday April 4th
We hope everyone has a great weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
Mrs. Deighan & Mrs. Derbyshire
