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The Start of a New School Year in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families!

Our first week of Pre-K is the books! All the kids did a great job of adjusting to our new routine. I was super impressed! We will continue to go over school rules and expectations next week. Don't forget to send in a 4x6 family photo and the "All About Me" apple by Monday September 9th.

Here is a look at our centers this week:

Red play-doh with animal cookie cutters and a variety of tools

Magnetic people with different uniforms and outfits

Trains and Blocks on the letter rug

Math Table had counting bears (red, blue, yellow, green bears)

Dramatic Play was set up as a school

Sensory Table had corn and included letters of the alphabet

Science Table was all about the 5 Senses

Dinosaurs and Doll Houses with people

Art Table/Easel had a bunch of back to school coloring sheets and create your "1st Day of School" drawing

We also talked about how everyone was "feeling" on the 1st day of school! We had mostly excited/happy but a few nervous/sad which is totally expected


The Kissing Hand

Twas The Night Before Preschool

Mouse's 1st Day of School

Pete the Cat and 4 Groovy Buttons

Reminder about Car Pick-Up!

The first 3 cars in line are the only ones who should be out of their vehicles receiving their child. After those 3 cars leave then the next 3 cars may move up and receive their child and so on. I can't release all 8 kids at once! Please make sure to relay the pick-up procedure to anyone that may be arriving to grab your child.

If anyone has any questions or concerns please let me know! I hope you all have a great weekend and I am excited to see everyone Monday morning!



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