This Week in Enrichment!
Good afternoon!
This time of year cold and allergy seasons combine to make a blockbuster of a time for our little friends and their masks. Please be sure to wash their masks in between wearings, and replace an extra one if they come home wearing a different one than what they went to school in. Also, we'd love donations of disinfecting wipes and Bounty paper towels, if possible. We do A LOT of cleaning, and sturdy cleaning supplies are always appreciated! Thank you for everything you've donated so far! We are so lucky!
This Tuesday was our last class with Sensei Michael. While we are sad to see him go, we hope to see him again in the future! If you'd like to look into signing your child up with him you can find Lotus Studios on Facebook, or at the address below.
Lotus Studios
540 Kelley Blvd
North Attleborough, MA 02760
Sensei Michael is so wonderful with the children that several teachers have enrolled (or are currently enrolled) their own children with him! We can not recommend him highly enough. Thank you, Sensei!
Continuing our thankful theme, I wanted to give you an update on our classroom Thankful Tree.
This was what they voted for in this first week.
And this is what they voted for in week 2.
I love their hearts!
We have a tradition in Jack and Jill of sharing a Friendship Feast with the other classes that are in school on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. While we can't host the same 60+ person feast in Fellowship Hall this year we're still going to try to keep our tradition going strong. Each class will make and wear a headband/hat that they've made, listen to a story, and share a song that they've learned with the other classes out on the playground (weather permitting). Our class has started working on The More we Get Together, with some sign language! They're doing a wonderful job learning the song, and we can't wait to keep learning more of it next week! Another part of our tradition is, of course, the feast! Each class will make a snack, and share what they've made with the other classes. We'll be making enough so that the snack can be split into 4 containers, and each class will share the snack in their own classroom during snack time. The Enrichment class will be making pumpkin muffins, that the children will be adding ingredients to and mixing themselves. Baking will be done by a trained adult.😉 We will keep everyone's allergies into consideration when preparing and eating our snacks.
Our book this week was Life in a Tree by Melvin Berger. It is a non-fiction book that tells us all about the parts of a tree, and the animals and plants that could live on, in, under, or around a tree. From birds, squirrels, and foxes, to bees, worms, ivy and fungi, and everything in between! Who would have thought so much life could be related to one tree!
What's NEW in centers this week?
Math table- The children used spinners to find out what color pompom to feed our turkeys. Using tongs they picked up and dropped the pompoms right in!
Art table- We used the sheet music for The More we Get Together to do some marble painting. Rolling a marble through paint makes lots of fun designs!
Easel- Water resist painting. Starting with a white piece of paper, the children could either use watercolors to discover what drawing was hidden in white crayon, or they could draw their own design and paint over it!
Block area- We added pictures of famous structures from around the world to help give some inspiration to our little builders!
Literacy center- Our book of the week inspired a felt board this week. Using felt animals, plants, and parts of the tree, the students were able to put their own tree together. Sometimes our tree went off the felt board too!
Sign ups for conferences will be coming out soon, so please be on the lookout for that!
Also, with the holidays coming up, Jack and Jill wants to give back to our surrounding community. Our class will be given the wishlist of a few local children in need to try to make their holiday a special one. A sign up sheet will be posted outside our classroom for those that are willing and able to make a donation. It is by no means required to make a donation, as the children will be making special things to accompany the gifts in class, as well.
We hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week. And we want to send along a special thank you to any veterans we have related to our class, also. Thank you for your service! ❤
Christina Renoni and Brenda Daday