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Week 4 in the 3's

Weekly Update!

Happy October! We are excited to be entering our second month of school! Please check your child’s backpack daily for any “mail” from the teachers or the office. We are up to 10 children now in our class (Welcome Julian and Myra!!!!) and it would be difficult for us to hand papers to you at pick-up. Also, if someone different will be picking up your child, please let us know in the morning and kindly ask the person picking up to have their ID available for us to check. As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

This week at CIRCLE TIME we read a story called The Itsy Bitsy Pumpkin. We sang the words to the tune of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. We also sang a feelings pumpkin song using the pocket chart easel. We continue to sing hello to each other each day. The children have started singing along and are beginning to recognize their peers’ photos and names. Great work boys and girls!

Here is what’s NEW in centers:

Shape Matching Bins: The children used magnetic pumpkin faces and shape magnets to match shapes.

Art/Fine Motor: Decorating a pumpkin for the school bulletin board, hand print painted pumpkins (these will go on our classroom bulletin board, photo is attached)

Discovery Bins: The students enjoyed playing with oil and water bubble tubes. They had fun flipping the tubes over to watch the colored bubbles float to the other side.

Sensory Bins: Elbow macaroni and cups to scoop and pour. These are LOTS of fun!

Pretend Center: Kitchen and baby dolls- the kiddos really enjoyed cooking and taking care of the babies.

Have a great weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Your teachers,

Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni


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