Week 6 in 3's
This week at CIRCLE TIME we read a story called 10 Orange Pumpkins. The children enjoyed the rhyming text and LOVED counting out the pumpkins on each page. We also had fun using rhythm sticks during MUSIC & MOVEMENT!
Here is what’s NEW in centers:
Fine/Visual Motor: Children used their “pinchy” fingers to pull leaves off/put leaves on a velcro tree.
Art: Children used glue bottles and paper cut-outs to make leaf collages. They also used markers and crayons to color 10 pumpkins.
Discovery Bins: Students used dry-erase markers to draw faces or designs onto real sugar pumpkins.
Gross Motor/Color Sorting: The boys and girls played a game of color sorting ring toss. They had to toss the colored rings into the matching color bucket. This was a big hit! We are still working on our aim!
Have a great weekend! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
Your teachers,
Brenda Daday & Christina Renoni