Week 8 in Pre-K 1
Hello Families,
The weeks are going quickly! It's hard to believe that October is just about over. A new month means our Pretend Center, Library, Block Area, Games & Puzzles, Play-Doh & Sensory Boxes will all have new things on Monday!
The wet (and snowy) weather this week may have kept us inside, but it did not stop us from moving. The children really enjoyed doing our obstacle course which contained a balance beam, balance boards, hop scotch, tunnel to crawl through and a mat where they did jumping jacks. It was so nice to hear the children encouraging each other on the balance beam.
Our Reading Street Book this week was Wynken, Blynken & Nod by Eugene Field. "Wynken, Blynken & Nod takes children on a magical journey into the night sky where three fishermen sail in a wooden shoe, capturing the stars in net of silver and gold and laughing with the moon. And when the nighttime adventure comes to an end, the wooden shoe brings the fishermen home to the real world of a child fast asleep." The children loved winking, blinking and nodding. Our Reading Street song was Come and Pretend With Me. Our vocabulary words were dew, fishermen, river, fish, nets and waves.
Our Letter of the Week was I. Our song was Wriggly, Wiggly Izzy Fish. We also read the book I Like Me by Karen Beaumont.
Other activities included:
Math Table: Lacing-different color pipe cleaners and plastic colanders to thread them through
Counting Mats-laminated trees numbered 1-10 with plastic leaves and acorns to count and put on the tree
Art Easel: Lego Stamped Fall Trees-Some children drew their own tree trunks. I love to see their creativity!
Watercolors & Markers with fall pictures
Project Table: This is a very popular center. Very busy each day!
Monday: We finished our Spider Web Project. The children drew their web and created their spider. They were proud to show their project to friends playing at other centers.
Tuesday & Wednesday: Color Mixing-Each child was given some yellow & red paint. They mixed the colors to make orange and then painted & decorated their pumpkin.
Thursday: Inch Worm Project-lacing beads on a pipe cleaner, adding googly eyes and bending pipe cleaner to make their worm crawl.
Friday: Each child had a fun time decorating a real pumpkin today...sequins, stickers, decorative tape, ribbon and glitter glue were used. There also were white paper pumpkins to decorate with these materials too.
Listening Center: T-Rex Trick or Treats by Lois Grambling
Discovery Table: This table was closed this week. You may have heard about the children having a "meeting" with me. I started doing assessments this week and will continue next week.
Looking ahead, Letter of the Week will be U. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Kelley