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Week of February 1st in Enrichment

Hi everyone!

First, I want to thank everyone who signed up to bring something in for the Valentine's Day Snack! All of the openings are full, so we're going to have some tasty treats coming our way! Also, a quick reminder that if you/your child would like to send in Valentine cards for their friends please only fill out the "FROM" portion of the card. This makes it possible for the children to pass out the cards themselves without it taking up the majority of the school day. Also, as Mrs. Lay wrote in her emails and newsletters, please don't include food or candy with the cards. Thanks!

Also, I want to remind everyone to please sign up for Jack and Jill on the Remind app, if you haven't already. Our class name is Jack and Jill 2020-2021, and our class code is @gfdf47. Important information is posted there, especially when info needs to get out quickly and efficiently. With this year being so different from a typical school year, it's best to be as connected and in touch with each other as we possibly can.

Our book this week was Elmer by David McKee. Elmer isn't like the other elephants in his herd. Elmer is a patchwork elephant. He makes the rest of the herd happy, and tells all the best jokes, but Elmer feels like the other elephants are laughing AT him. One morning, he goes into the jungle to find a tree with elephant colored berries on it. He rolls in and rubs the berries all over until his patchwork colors can't be seen anymore. When he rejoins his herd he notices that no one is laughing or smiling, but looking very serious. When a raincloud comes and washes all the elephant colored juice off of him the elephants think this is the happiest they have ever been. From then on they celebrate Elmer Day every year, and decorate themselves to be as colorful and happy as Elmer. As a class we talked about how we're all wonderful just the way we are. We love our friends because they are themselves, not anyone else.

Our letter of the week was E. This list of E words was harder to make than others, but they did great! What surprised me the most was when I had to give them clues to help them come up with everyone's favorite snow queen! Lol!

We had a room full of new centers this week! And they are...

Red Bins- Puzzles that feature E,F, and G subjects

Yellow Bins- Magniboards with E,F, and G letters to copy

Green Bins- Legos

Blue Bin- E letter find with dot markers

Pretend center- Kitchen and babies to care for

Sensory Bins- The children will be hunting through red and silver paper shred with tweezers to find the letters of their name and the letter's of the week for the month of February, along with red and pink hearts to seperate.

Playdough- Pink playdough with plastic hearts, and cookie cutters

Art- The children got to make their own Elmer the elephant by ripping up strips of paper to glue onto a blank Elmer, and coloring, cutting and gluing an E with elephant details.

Please reach out with any questions you may have.

I hope you all have a wonderful, warm, and healthy weekend!

~Christina Renoni


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