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Week of January 11th in Enrichment

Hi all!

We had another fun week! I hope you're hearing all about Yoga, our books, and our letter of the week! If not, that's why I'm here!

Let me start with a reminder that next Monday, the 18th, is MLK Day, and school will be closed. I also wanted to take this opportunity to give you all a heads up. During calendar and weather time, I like to let the kids know if our Mon.- Wed. routine will be changing- such as the day off for a holiday or conferences, for example. Today we talked about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I told them that he was a man who spoke up about making sure everyone was treated kindly. I didn't go into details, but the kids being kids, had some questions. The first was "Did he die?" I was a bit surprised by this, but wanted to be honest so I answered "Yes" The next question was "Did someone make him die?" and "How did he die?" As you all know, every child is different. Some are able to handle and understand the answer to that question, some are not. I told them that it's a complicated answer and not something Mrs. Renoni is comfortable answering in school. I also told them that if they had other questions to go to you. For the children who are ready, an appropriate response might be to talk about how there were people who were very mad at him for wanting to change how people were treated. So mad, that they wanted to stop him from trying to make any more changes. I hope this helps, and I truly wish you good luck if this subject should come up in your house. I remember having this conversation with my son, and it was one of the most difficult we've had so far.

On a different note, we had another great time Ms. Katy in Yoga. We played balancing games with our stuffies, and had the stuffies do some moves of their own! This was the last week that they'll need to bring them in for yoga. I also wanted to let you all know that Ms. Katy has her own studio, Family Tree Yoga ( Having been through her enrichment with our class last year, and having taken several of her online classes I can personally attest to how wonderful her classes are for you individually and for the whole family.

Our book this week was The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. We read about Peter, and his adventures in the city on a...Snowy Day. He made tracks in the snow, a smiling snowman, and a snowball that he put in his pocket which he was very disappointed wasn't there when he went back to it after he came in the house.

The letter of the week this week was "B". We searched all around for them, including the playground! The kids came up with quite a list of B words during the week! Ask them about their favorite!

The new centers this week are...

Yellow Bins- Cut, count, and glue snowmen

Blue Bins- "B" Bee Dot Marker page

Art- Peter's Snowy Day project, "B" Bee project

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend!

~Christina Renoni


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