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Wrapping Up September in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

That's a wrap on our first month of Pre-K! I am so impressed with how quickly the children have settled into the routine and expectations of our classroom. It's only been a month, but our classroom already feels like a family. They are helpful and caring toward one another. I also cannot believe how much they have absorbed during our literacy and math lessons. Keep up the good work boys and girls!


Weekly Story: “Taking a Bath With the Dog and Other Things That Make Me Happy” by Scott Menchin- a cute story about a little girl named Sweet Pea and her quest to find things that make her happy when she's feeling sad.

Nursery Rhyme: Hickory Dickory Dock. The students have been using their magic wands to point to each word on the chart. They have also been learning lots of new vocabulary words that go along with our nursery rhymes.

This week during SMALL GROUPS, we:

* Practiced writing big lines and little lines and the letter "F"

* Read a social story about being KIND at school and played a game where the kiddos had to sort pictures into KIND and UNKIND categories.

* Practiced counting and matching quantities to numerals.

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- free art: scissors, paper, markers, crayons, glue sticks, glue bottles, foam pieces, coloring with colored pencils at the easel

Blocks- wooden blocks, wooden people, school buses and vehicles, animals

Dramatic Play- dishes, food, baby dolls

Writing/Library- Fall Vocabulary Read-the-Room Scavenger Hunt, emergent reader sentence strips Math- matching numerals sensory bins Science- Engineering Challenge: use stones, cups, and wooden sticks to help the bears get over the river and stay out of the lava

Sensory Table- dried corn and beans, farm animals, fences, fruits and veggies

Playdough- red playdough, cookie cutters, rollers, scissors

Next week, all of our centers will be switched up and I will have some new things in store for the children. We will also be starting our new Seeds of Stem science curriculum. October, here we come!


Brenda Daday


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