April Arrives in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families,
This week went by very quickly. The week was good and we had a good pajama day today even tough we were missing a few friends. Everyone was very busy in the classroom and enjoyed the activities at the centers. Here is what we did!
Math Table~ Numbered leafs 1-10 with ladybug counters
Discovery Table~ Wind up toys and little wooded pieces to build with. These were a hit and the loved winding each one up to see what they did..
Art/Writing Table~ Handprint birds; they had to pick out the color body they wanted to do and picked out feet and a beak and glued them on the body of the bird, they picked out the wing color and we traced and cut out their hands which they then glued on to the bird. The Birds are hanging up on the bulletin board in the hallway. There was also dot painting flowers and coloring sheets to work on, as well as the letter T sheets.
Easel~ Paper plate flowers using markers to color them with. When they were done coloring their flowers they brought it over to the art table and glued on a stem and leaves.
Sensory Table~ We now have Orbeez (water beads) in the table along with measuring cups and spoons as well as plastic eggs to use.
Play-doh~ Is now blue with spring cookie cutters and tools
Polar Bear, Polar Bear what do you Hear?
Green Eggs and Ham
Bear sees Colors
Where, oh Where is Huggle Buggle Bear?
Listen & Move Hamster Dance
Lava Dance Wiggle Your Fingers
Wiggling Dance
Mrs. Lehane came in on Monday and read Hair Love by Matthew H. Cherry
Mrs. T came in on Thursday for some music and movement. She sang the book Little White Duck as well as putting together Flip Flap Jack on the felt board. The kids requested Old MacDonald Had a Farm which they enjoyed dancing along with while Mrs. T played her guitar. Always a fun time with Mrs. T.
Letter U is our show and tell letter for next week. Please bring in 1 item into class on Monday morning.
Our classroom is in need of tissues and Bounty paper towels.. Thank you in advance :)
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg
