April Awesomeness in Mixed Age!
Hello Mixed Age Families,
Happy school vacation week!! What a strange weather week it was, it feels like we are already in summer when it just turned spring. The week was very busy and we had lots of extra recess time outside.
Here is what we did in the classroom this week:
Math Table~ Number puzzles on Monday and the rest of the week we had an egg number hunt~ the kids had to open the egg and find out what number they had to search for hanging in the classroom and use the check list to mark off when they find the corresponding number.
Discovery Table~ Pattern play wood pieces. They had to choose a pattern card to use as a guide to put the wood pieces back together in the wooden frame. They enjoyed this activity and did well working together as a team.
Art/Writing Table~ Paper plate finger paint umbrellas and when they were dry they glued on the handles. They also were able to glue on paper shapes to make umbrellas. The writing table had laminated mazes for them to do using the dry erase markers.
Easel~ Painting with flowers and today they did some water colors painting onto spring pictures
We wanted to thank Liam's mom Jessica for coming in on Wednesday to teach us some science. She is a high school science teacher and came in with one of her students. They did some finger prints and made some slime with corn starch and lotion in a bag and Peyton read a book to the class. THANK YOU!!
Thursday we had Mr. G come in and read Rufus Goes to School.
James goes Buzz Buzz
Curious George takes a Trip
Be Kind
We are the Dinosaurs
Stand up, Sit down
No show and tell the week we come back to school after vacation.
Have. a GREAT week!
Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg